A wonderful thing happened in the last two weeks while I've been so sick: I had to feed the fish in the Koi pond every day, so I would pry myself up and go outside with a handful of fish food pellets. Instead of throwing the pellets into the water, I would squat down at the edge of the pond. And now, they see me coming and rush to the side of the pool to eat out of my hand. They have lost their fear.
The moral? Well, when I was well, I fed them twice a day. While I've been sick, only once. They got hungry and learned that the food was in my hand. So they would nibble the pellets out of my hand. Those silly fish can learn. Who would have thought it?? Which leads me to think: If a fish can learn, why are some people (including me) so stupid. We do the same thing (wrong) over and over again thinking we are going to get a different result.
I do the same things every day. I get up and go through a series of behaviors that never varies. It is systematic. I could do it in my sleep. I get the paper, let Squig out, put some food in his bowl, fix a cup of hot peach tea, take some pills, etc., etc., and let Squig back in before I sit down. Then I do the cryptogram, the Suduko, and last, the crossword puzzle. At that point, I read and edit the blog that I have typed the night before and post it. All of that never varies. Squig has learned exactly where he fits into my pattern and goes along with the system.
Around 9, I start thinking about food, open the fridge door and eat whatever I see first. Which means my morning meal is eccentric to say the least. Yesterday it was cold baked beans. Today it was cornbread and milk. The day before it was a burrito.
I've been trying to lose a couple of pounds. But I keep doing the same things with food expecting a different result. I think I am going to have to start planing what I am going to eat if I want to lose a couple of pounds. Habits are hard to break. The first step is to recognize you are in a rut. I'm in one.
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