Friday, May 13, 2016

The cryptoquote for today was:  "Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it."  How very true.

And, of course, experience is the best teacher.  But you don't have to have the experience to have wisdom.  Observation works just as well.

When Becky was a child, someone asked her why she never got into trouble.  "Well," she said, "I just watch my big sister Pat and brother Scott get into trouble, so I know what not to do."

I think--maybe-- she would have gotten into more trouble but she was better at avoiding notice.

Wisdom is cumulative.  Learning one thing leads to learning another.  It is like taking steps along the right path.  You are heading in a direction.

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding."  Proverbs 4:7

I try to make friends with people who are wise.  They are a blessed source of solid information when I am confused.  I don't get confused as much now as I used to, but when I do,  I have a short list of people I go to.  The world isn't stocked with very many wise people.

Trying to make good decisions.  Trying to do the right things.  That in itself is wisdom.  

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