God doesn't change. His principles and laws don't change. But many people want Christians to stop
using God's directives as a basis for moral beliefs. They want us to loosen up and go with the flow.
It is difficult for the non-Christian to understand where we Christian people are coming from. We are accused of being judgmental. Or biased. When in fact, when you became a Christian, you accepted God's authority in all matters where your own life is concerned. His way becomes your way. You are simply on a life-path that some aren't on.
It is not my job to judge people. That's up to God. All I can say on that matter is that God has set a standard. People chooses to agree with Him, or not. Their choice. Their disagreement isn't with me.
I do not hate people who differ from me. Choosing God's opinion doesn't mean I have to hit others over the head with a Bible. The thing I don't get, is why those who discover my position (and differ with me on certain issues), seem determined to label me as a bigot if I don't join them in their opinions. I won't change, because whatever God says, that is what I will do. I certainly don't think this path is easy. But we are talking about God. God. His authority. You give it to him, or you don't.
It says, "Come out from among them and be ye separate says the Lord." At the same time, it says to love your neighbor as yourself. It seems like the Bible gives contradictory guidance to us on this subject. We are to love those who are different, but not join them. Love all people. Follow God.
You get to choose the things that you do. You get to suffer the consequences. One consequence is that I am never going to agree with some positions. Do what you want, but leave me alone. "And if it seems evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15 I've made a choice for myself. You get to make yours. Quit pushing me to agree with you.
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