Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jon and Jennifer came over today and brought Brady--who is four--and Tate--who is 18 months.  I was so glad to see them.  They both teach high-school in Moore and Jon coaches and Jennifer is in charge of the cheerleaders.  They are really busy.  Watching  them corralling those two boys makes me wonder how I didn't lose my mind with four.

I picked my first tomato.  My okra is up to six inches now that it is hot.  It should be up to four feet soon.   Next year I will plant more things.  But this year was too hectic with moving and renovating.  Now that the bathroom is finished I feel settled.  Rather at peace.

I just completed my 66th Bible verse in the book I am writing for Amy.  I'm trying to write a short comment about the meaning of each verse.  I think if I do six a day, I will have it completed by her birthday in September.  Maybe sooner. 

I told you that I planted a pink dogwood and that I have planted one almost every year for a number of years with no success.  I hoped it would live.  I had high hopes that this one would make it.  It didn't.  It died.  I am never going to plant another one.  I can't count how many I have killed.  There is a time to admit you have been defeated.  So I planted a tulip tree.  It is doing great.

My grandson Steven is coming over in the morning to help me put some things I don't use very often up on high shelves.  I would do it myself, but getting on a ladder has become dangerous.  I totter.

This blog is random and silly.  I'll try to write something interesting tomorrow.  Today it reads like a life report.

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