Thursday, September 22, 2016

You can't make someone love you.  They have to make a choice to love you.  And I am blessed by the people in my life who have made that choice--the choice to love me.  Becky Bacon came back yesterday and will be here until tomorrow.   Becky loves me.  I love her.

And lo and behold, Carolyn came today as well.  First time she has been here.  Carolyn loves me.  I love Carolyn.  I had Becky and Carolyn here with me at the same time.  Heaven.  Becky went with me to the Bible Study that Amy Montgomery is teaching and Amy said, "Oh, I know you, and the Yellow Rose of Texas.  I read about you in Janie's blog."  Small world.  I didn't even know Amy was reading my blog.

And when the mail came, I had a letter from Amy Smith (who writes to me almost every week) telling me that she loves me, that I am precious to her.  Mercy.  Precious!!!  I think I am being loved to death today.  It is a wonderful thing.  Love.

Day before yesterday, Sally called from Hattisburg to tell me how much she loves me.  And I love her with all my heart.  And she knows that.  She knows absolutely that I love her.

I am blessed beyond measure.  I no longer have Ken with me, to tell me that he loves me, but I have friends.  I have family.

But most of all,  God loves me.   If no one else ever did,  his love would be enough.

Friends and family are the greatest treasure of our lives.  They are  a love gift from God Himself.

"For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

Love is a choice.  God has chosen to love us.  We don't deserve it.

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