Monday, September 25, 2017

Becky Bacon came to stay for a couple of days.  We went out to Pat's house,  and Becky fell in love with Pat's log cabin.  It is nice.  Since we finished Pat's master bathroom, she has been energized to do the rest of the house.  So my job was to help her measure for tile.  (She fixed us corn chowder and baked us some of those Lobster House biscuits.  Delish.)  We got everything measured and ready to start the next project which is the utility room and kitchen.  She has lived without water to the ice maker for seventeen years.   Which would have driven me crazy.  But then, I am spoiled.

Becky wanted to read the first three chapters of the book I've written--so I gave them to her.  She loved it and begged for the fourth chapter, which I hadn't printed yet.   I handed her my computer and she read three more chapters.  I was encouraged.  She made me promise to mail the rest of it to her.  She and Carolyn always tell me the truth.  If I need to be straightened out, one of them will do it.

The manuscript has to got to go to Carolyn.  She is my English guru, and will correct the flaws.  This book has sat dormant for twenty years and I am just now energized to take the last steps to being done with it in spite of the editor that said he hated it after reading the first sentence.

I have the best friends in the world.  Amy Smith still writes me every few weeks just to encourage me.  Sally Casey calls as well.  Once I start on the list of friends, there is no where to stop.  Friends are one of life's greatest treasures.  We lean on each other in times of sadness an grief and rejoice with each other in times of joy.

Thank all of you for being my friends.

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