Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I have enrolled in a publishing class.  Finally.  Finally I am going to do something about this book I have written.  Different people from different parts of the publishing fields are speaking for the next six weeks.  Last week, we heard from an author who is ranked number one in Oklahoma.  He was very self depreciating, telling about all of his failures.  It was so interesting.  And funny.

I learned that there are three ways to publish.  1.  The traditional way: get an agent who finds a publishing company who is willing to publish your book.  2.  Go straight to the publishers yourself.  3.  Self publish.

The first way is not possible for me.  I'm too old to be of interest to an agent.  They want to represent people who have already had some success, and want you to be young enough to have a future writing more books.  That's how they make their money.  I don't fit either of those criteria.

The second way has some interest for me in that there are lists out there of publishers who restrict their interest to certain limited fields of interest.  That would reduce the number of publishers who might be interested in what I have written to a manageable few.  They are looking for books that attract an identified audience.  Such as children's books, cookbooks, mysteries, and so forth.

But since I have no interest in making money from what I have written, the third choice is probably the one that I will pursue.  We'll see.  I'll make a decision at the end of the six lectures.

Just enrolling has pushed me to begin a final editing of what I have written.  Which is hard work.  Why, in a million years, would I think that I would be a writer.  I have only identified myself in that way for the last two years.  Up to then, I thought of myself as a teacher, a marimba player, a church pianist, a Marine's wife, mother, grandmother,  seamstress.  Not a writer.

Maybe I will be like Moses.  At the age of 80 (which occur in March) I might find that I can still make a difference.  Maybe God's not through with me yet?

That would be exciting.

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