Monday, September 4, 2017

When Pharaoh's daughter found Moses, she decided to keep him.  He was just a baby, floating in a basket in the river.  Mariam, Moses sister, asked Pharaoh's daughter if she would like for her to find a wet-nurse to raise him--then ran and got Moses mother--who cared for him until he was weaned.  Which in those days could have been any number of years.  Everything Moses ultimately knew about God he probably learned from his mother during that time.  

He was raised by Pharaoh's daughter, surrounded by Egyptian law, gods, education, morals, culture and loyalties.   In reality, he was Egyptian.  Yes, he was Jewish by birth, but he wasn't necessarily a God follower.  There is nothing to indicate that.  He spent most of his life in the Egyptian palace where they worshiped many gods.  The Egyptians had a god for everything--lest they offend one.

Since Moses killed an Egyptian who was persecuting a Jewish man--we know that he had feelings for his people.   Perhaps he was torn between his two identities.  At the age of forty, he fled Egypt to escape Pharoah's anger for that murder--to live in the desert.    He was beaten down, in a strange land, with no future, and no hope of anything better than tending sheep.  He was 80 years old when he saw the burning bush and approached it out of curiosity.  He was a nobody, expecting nothing from life.

And then, he heard a voice, "Moses, Moses."  He probably looked around to see who was calling, and  in effect said, "I'm over here," perhaps he thought it was another sheepherder.  He certainly was not expecting someone to speak to him from a bush.  Certainly not God.  He didn't even know God.  But God spoke, and told him to take off his shoes, that he was on holy ground.  This is an extraordinary encounter.  Moses was confounded and probably frightened--since bushes don't speak.

But then, the voice identifies Himself in four ways and says, "I am the God of your birth father.  I am the God of Abraham.  I am the God of Isaac.  I am the God of Jacob."  Moses knew who these four people were, and suddenly realized: this was the voice of their God, speaking from this burning bush.   This was the God of his own people.  Speaking to him.  This voice had singled him out.  Called him by name.   This extraordinary Voice knew his name.  This God was real.  He was really, really real!!  

When God calls you, he always calls you by name.  He knew Moses.   He knows you.

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