Friday, September 8, 2017

"Okay, I'll do it."  Moses agreed to go--but only after God agreed that Aaron (Moses' older brother) could be the spokesperson.  God would give Moses instructions on what to do; Moses would give Aaron God's message.  Then Aaron would communicate the message to the people or to Pharaoh.  Strange arrangement.  I'm sure Moses got strength from having Aaron in this with him.  It helps to have a friend beside you when you set out to change the world.

Why didn't God just leave Moses out of the equation altogether?  Why didn't God just call Aaron?  Because Moses had the Egyptian training in diplomacy that Aaron didn't have.  Moses had the background to deal with those muckity-mucks in the palace--with Pharaoh.  Aaron didn't.  Remember, Moses was raised as an Egyptian.  God had spent eighty years getting Moses ready for this job.  God chose Moses.  God's plan needed God's man.  Moses.

Moses understood the "Chain of Command" etiquette for making a decision in the real world.  He went to his father-in-law, Jethro the priest, and asked permission to return to Egypt.  To take his wife, (Jethro's daughter) and sons with him.  But Moses equivocated.  He didn't tell Jethro the real reason he was going.  Moses said, "Let me go, I pray thee, and return to my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they are yet alive."  In effect, "I need to go see my folks back home.  I bet they miss me."

This verse is one of the verses that makes me wonder if Jethro was a "Jewish" priest.  If he was, I  think that perhaps Moses would have told him the real reason he was going--that he was being sent by God to start a war with Pharaoh.

After everything is in place to leave, God finally gives Moses an important fact.  A fact that--if Moses had known it--would have made it much easier for him to agree to go in the first place.  God tells Moses, "Go, return to Egypt: for all the men are dead which sought your life."  Everyone (who could put Moses to death for the murder he had committed) was dead and gone.  That's a humongous fact.

The burden that was hanging over Moses' head was lifted.  But only after he agreed to the will of God.  Accepting God's will in our lives will always lift the burden of anxiety and fear.  He is God.  We either trust Him, or we don't.  Moses decided to trust Him and it made all the difference.

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