Friday, September 29, 2017

Last night was publishing class night.  The lady who spoke, Nancy Berland, was very good.  However, after thirty minutes, I had heard so many new terms that I had never heard before--concerning the ins and outs of getting your book to market--that I felt like a two year old listening to Einstein.

Everyone else in the class has been writing for the purpose of being published--and understands the "lingo".  I wrote my book just to "get it down" and hadn't thought much about the next step.  And that was thirty years ago.  I am illiterate on the subject of getting a book to market.

In the last thirty years, a million, zillion things about books have changed.  It is overwhelming, to say the least.  People don't hold a book in their hands like they used to.  And there are so many computer related pieces of information, that it makes me want to throw my hands in the air and give up.  I guess if you were writing for a living, you would have a financial motivation to learn all of the things you need to know about marketing.  But the minute someone says "computer," I get brain freeze.

I just want to throw all the pages in the air and see where they land.

Think about all of the new words that have entered the English language in the last fifty years.  Computer related terms.  The list is endless.  I don't know what most of them mean.  I now know what it feels like (to a five year old) to be presented with a list of letters and be told that they are going to make words with those letters so that they can read.  Read.  The cornerstone of learning.

I need a ten year old to help me.  I need a permanent helper by my side.  Permanent, because when I do learn something new, unless I use it over and over again, I forget it.

I am still learning how to use my I-Phone.  The power these gadgets give you is unbelievable.

I'm making headway.  I won't give up.  It's not my nature.  But, sincerely--God help me.

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