Wednesday, September 20, 2017

God has left us two records:  1. He has left us the testimony of eye witnesses.  He has left us the writings of men of integrity who reported what they heard, and saw, and touched, and experienced. We call all of that "The Bible."

And,  2. He has left us the record of the physical world.  The earth, stars, sun, moon, the outer universe as well as life, animals, plants, humans.  Including the strata record of what has gone before us in ages past.  Bones of animals, plants, sea life, cities, and all kinds of archeological data.

Those two records tell us of the glory of God.  I can't imagine why some people never ask where all of it comes from.  Who never ask, "What is space--this limitless expanse that holds worlds, galaxies, planets, suns and stars?  Where did this vast, limitless space come from?  That question alone boggles the mind.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.  Day unto day utters speech and night unto night shows knowledge.  There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard."  Psalms 19:1-4  The Bible speaks to us, and God's universe speaks to us as well.  We are without excuse if we ignore it.

God has spoken to us in these two records.  He has told us how to communicate with Him.  He has told us that He will always be with us.  He has given us a path to life, to eternity, to be with Him.

All we have to do is read the words in the written record to discover his plan.  But most of the world never reads the Bible.  The thing that I find impossible to understand is that most people who declare themselves Christians, don't read the Bible.

You can't know how to live unless you know His Words.  You can't know what He expects of you if you don't know His Words.  You can't know his plans for you if you are not in fellowship with Him.

Read God's words.  Find time, make time to read them.

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