Monday, September 18, 2017

The book of 1st John is one of my very most favorite books in the Bible.  It's short, but packed with first account authenticity.  John wrote what he wrote because he was there.  Every word is personal.

John witnessed the life of Jesus from age 30 to 33.  Those were the years of Jesus revelation of His earthly purpose.   His ministry.  The three years in which he revealed the reason that He came.  The ultimate Passover lamb of the Israelites--the people who ultimately rejected Him.  Who threw away God's mercy and forgiveness.  They wanted an earthly kingdom, not a heavenly one.  They wanted law, not grace.  The Messiah they wanted would overthrow the Romans.

But God's plan offered the Passover Lamb to all of us.  We get to come to the table.  We get to take, and eat--this is His body.  This is His blood.  And death no longer has it's sting.  The death angel will pass over us--just like it did the children of Israel in Egypt--when we accept His sacrificial Lamb for us.  It is no longer just for the Jews, God came to save the world.  Hallelujah.  We choose grace.

And John wants us to know everything about Jesus.  He uses the word "Know" 30 or more times in this tiny, short Epistle.  When my friend Carolyn calls and tells me something she has seen, touched or heard with her own hand, eyes or ears, I believe her.  I trust her.  Because I know her through and through. For 65 years.  That is how John wants us to experience his relationship with Jesus.  First hand information.  First hand knowledge.  First hand truth.

He begins in 1 John 1-2 "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled, of the Word of Life."  Ears, eyes, hands.  Three physical senses.  This is a first hand account of a real life event.  He continues in verse 3.  "That which we have seen and heard, we declare unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ."

John is saying to the entire world:  "I have good news.  You can talk directly, visit with, and know God.  He has a big house.  Come on in.  Jesus has died so that you can have this privilege."  It's a first hand invitation to each and every one of us.  All you have to do is believe.  And his is not the only first hand account.  Paul, Peter, Matthew, Mark, James...and many others tell us the same story.

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