Monday, September 11, 2017

I'm sure that Moses, with all the assurances that God had given him, thought that he would march in and confront Pharaoh, tell him to let the Israelites go and Pharaoh would say, "Oh, okay."  But just the opposite happened.  Not only did Pharaoh say "No", but he said: 1:  "Who is this God?"  2: "Why should I listen to what you are saying?  I am the God around here."  And 3:  "I'm in charge and I will not let the Israelites go.  My word is law."

Pharaoh then commanded that the straw used to make bricks be eliminated and that the people be ordered to make more bricks than they had been making.  "I'll show you two upstarts who runs things in Egypt.  It isn't your God; that's for sure."

So not only had Moses angered Pharaoh, the people were angry as well.  "Things have gotten worse since you and Aaron showed up."  Which was true.

Moses was deflated, dejected, demoralized, despondent and depressed. He immidately asked God:  "Why have you brought this evil on your people?  Why did you send me here."  And I am sure he reminded God:  "I told you I wasn't the man for this job in the first place.  "I told you they weren't going to listen to me."

So God reminded Moses that He had appeared to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and now, he was appearing to Moses.  He told Moses that His name was Jehovah--the I AM God.  The one true God.  He told Moses that everything He had said He was going to do would happen.  That they would indeed return to Horeb to worship Him with all the people of Israel.

So Moses pushed on.  Trusting that the God who led him in would be the God who would lead him out.

If God has a job for you to do, you can be sure that He is going to see you through to the finish.

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