Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I finished spreading all of the mulch, then used grass killer on the back bed I am setting up.  Now, I have to learn how to use the rototiller.  I miss my gardner.  I wish he would come back.  But the up side is that I have been getting exercise.  Which, let's face it, I need exercise and don't want to do it.

I may not be able to control the rototiller.  I've never tried.  Both John and Dean, my wonderful neighbors have said to call if and when I need help.  Which I probably will.  I'll know pretty quick after I try it if I can do it.  It's not one of those big rototillers, it's a little one.

Jeanette and I went to Panara for lunch to discuss a follow up for visitors in our church who fall into the age group of our class.  We don't have anything like that where we attend--channeling people who come to church into appropriate age connection groups.  We spent an hour mulling over ideas and came up with writing a personal letter to women who might like to join us with an offer to take them to lunch for a "Get to know you" time.  Purely social.

If a person attends a Connection group, they are immediately plugged in.  But if they only go to church, they get lost in the shuffle.  The information is there,  just not a system to get them visited by the correct age group.  Granted, sometimes they don't give their age.  No problem.

Maybe we can do some good.  I hope so.  In the past, people visit church and occasionally don't get a follow up call or visit from a class their own age.  They probably think we don't care.  Which is the opposite of the truth.

Ineffective.  Falling through the cracks.  Sometimes with the best of intentions, we fail.  Sometimes we don't even know that there is a problem.  Everyone who visits our church, gets a visit from some church member.  But what is needed is for them to get a visit from a connection group so--that the visitor can check out people who would like to get to know them--from their own age group.

Maybe this will work.  Jeanette and I won't know until we try it.

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