Monday, October 22, 2018

I have been blessed to visit many shores in the world.  I read somewhere that Oklahoma has more shore lines than any state in the nation.  It's hard to believe until you visit "Green country."  The north east part of the state has hundreds and hundreds of miles of lake shores created by the dams.  It is a fisherman's heaven.  And the Red River.  Twisting and turning like a snake.  With many shores.

I'm not a fisherman.  I have never caught a fish.  I'm not much for boats or lakes.  The first time I tried water skiing, they told me I wouldn't get up on my first try, but not to get discouraged.  One of Ken's friends had a boat and a house on the water in Pensacola.  They showed me what to do, I got up on my first try and made it around the lake.  I never did it again.  Once was enough.

The only reason I didn't fall off was because I was afraid of what might be in the water.

But one thing that was in the Pensacola's waters that I loved was the shrimp.  Fried, stuffed with crab, dipped in sauce, or just peeled and popped in your mouth.  There are so many things that God made that are perfect.  Shrimp, to name one.  A rib-eye from a young grass fed cow.  Oysters on the half shell grilled in an open oven.  Or raw topped with horse radish sauce.  I don't know anything God has made that I don't like to eat.  Except cinnamon.  It's not my favorite spice.

My Connection group is going to fast on Thursday.  We are praying and fasting for a member who is suffering from the grief her family members are bringing on themselves.  And because she loves her family, she is grieving as well.  We hurt for her, and will pray for her this week.

I have never fasted before.  I don't know how I will do it.  The members decided that everyone would give up eating--in as much as was possible--and pray for our member who is suffering.  I think that I will give up meat and seafood.  The hardest thing for me to give up will be bread.

I've often wondered why people in the Bible fasted.  Maybe because when you deny yourself something, it reminds you to pray for the purpose of your "fast."  I'm going to find out.  It will be hard.  Food is really, really important to me.  When I go to bed at night, I plan out what I am going to eat the next day.  It gives me something to look forward to.  This is going to be hard.

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