Friday, October 5, 2018

Jeanette calls me her "Little Humming Bird."  Because I eat all the time.  I'm hungry all the time, and that's the truth.  I eat five or six times a day--not counting snacks.  I've never understood people who only eat one or two meals a day.  Every two hours works for me.

I picked up the white car at the Lincoln dealer.  I thought the window was leaking.  No.  It's a leaking air coolant whatcha-ma-call-it.  $1,900.  Which I said, "Don't fix it."  It just became my winter car.  It's a 1999.  And they said they couldn't even get parts for it.  I would sell it, but it's not worth anything to anyone but me.  Perfect condition--but leaking condensation on the cooler.  Thus the solution is: don't run the air conditioner. is now a winter car.  The heater works just fine.

I'm watering shrubs by hand every day, because I can't figure the sprinkling system out.  I can't even figure out how to turn it on period.  I need a man.  Men seem to know all that stuff.  But I can bake a cake.  Or shorten a pair of pants.  I can do a lot of things.  I just don't seem to be able to follow written instructions.  Show me how and I can do it from then on.  But instructions on paper, huh-uh.

I can cut and hang sheet rock.  Wallpaper a room, insulate a house, tear down a wall.  I can hang anything that needs to be hung.  Shower curtain, picture, clock, etc.  As long as there are no written instructions to follow, I can figure it out and get it done.  But the sprinkling system eludes me.

When you think about Jesus and the things people did back then, well, life was much simpler.  Jesus didn't even have a house, or a bed, or a pillow.  There was no running water, electricity, gas heat, or any utility--no Keurig.  No plastic.  No microwave.  And I'm disturbed about a sprinkling system??

I bet they had an irrigation system in place for every home back then.  I know the Romans built aqueducts and elaborate systems of delivering water.  I walked across an aqueduct built with a bridge of stone arches when I was in Italy one time.  But in Jerusalem, I don't know about that.  I bet they didn't even have ground coffee, much less a Keurig.

I'm going to have to call somebody about the sprinkling system.  Which galls me.  I should be able to figure this out.

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