Thursday, October 4, 2018

I took Squig to the vet in Guthrie.  Someone told me they were really great.  It's true.  And their prices are less than half of what they charge in Edmond for the same things.  I've been driving to Pryor to get Squig's teeth cleaned because it is so much cheaper there.  Edmond's problem is the ground that the buildings sit on.  It's made of gold.  Taxes etc. including cost of land.

It was Squig's teeth--which I suspected.  I'll keep him on Antibiotics until the fifthteenth and they will clean his teeth and probably pull some more.  He has terrible teeth.  Pretty soon, he won't have any teeth to clean. Guthrie is only 30 minutes from here.  Closer than Pryor, that's for sure.

The vet in Guthrie was a young--looked about thirteen--girl.  I really liked her.  So did Squig--and everyone else in the clinic.  What's not to like?  He's sweet and friendly and loves to be petted.  Attention is his middle name.

Craig must have read my blog about the rototiller because he texted that he had a man who was really good who would come and rototill.  That solves that problem.  Now I won't have to find out if I can rototill.  Probably saved my life.  Or my feet--I probably would have run over one of my feet.

I called my brother and told him about the Voo-doo and Black Magic electro-stimulator that Becky Bacon put on my spine.  He said that was fantastic.  He said that sometimes it works (as it did for me) and sometimes it doesn't work at all.  That's why people say it's Voo-Doo.  It didn't work for them.  But when it does, it is miraculous.  It surely worked for me.  I'm pain tolerant, and my pain level went from a 9 to a 1.  I still will probably have to have back surgery, but if I can live pain free in the meantime, that is a blessing from heaven above.

I am doing my yearly round of medical junk this week.  Pat came in to drive me around.  "Driving Miss Daisy."  Most of the time I don't need a driver.  But when they are going to inject you with something or other, well, that's different.  I've gotten cautious.  Which I have never been.  I don't want to be told "Don't do this, don't do that."  So I just call Pat and ask her if she wants to go to lunch.  "And by the way, would you mind if we stopped off at the so-and-so clinic."  Works for me.


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