Thursday, October 11, 2018

Last Friday, something unusual happened to me.  When I got up in the night, I sat up on the edge of the bed and kept on going over to the floor.  I remember thinking, "I'm having a stroke."  Then thinking, "You can't have a stroke, you're on blood thinners twice a day."  Then thinking, "Well, maybe this is it, I'm going to the promise land."  It was weird.

I finally was able to get up off the floor, but couldn't stand up.  Weird.  This went on for five or six days.  I would crawl to the bathroom, then crawl back into bed.  When I got up the next morning, I had no other symptoms and when I had been up for a while, the dizziness went away--only to come back again in the middle of the next night.  Normal in the day, stumbling around in the night.

I went to the doctor--who looked me over and tested me for everything, (I told her I had no other symptoms at all.)  She was stumped.  My brother came to visit on Monday, and he said that there is a little bone inside the ear that sometimes breaks loose and causes vertigo.  So, I guess I'll see an EMT.  Till then, when I wake up in the night, I'll scoot to the floor and avoid standing up.  No problem.

Looks to me like if you had vertigo in the night, you would still have it the next day.  But what do I know.  Well, I'll rephrase that.  I know that if it isn't one thing, it's another.

I know that my living room and dining room are finished.  I'm ready for guests--if they don't go back into the bedrooms.  The guest bathroom is finished.

And I've slowed down.  I've even taken to sitting in my chair and watching Hallmark movies.  I think the worst of moving is behind me.  When Tony was here yesterday, he went to my old house, took down my Italian chandeliers and hung them over here.  He took the chandeliers from here and installed them over there.  The only thing I haven't moved over here is the drapes from my bedroom.  They match my bedspread.  The drapes and chandeliers were in the sale contract.  David and Jennifer didn't care when I got them.  I'll get the drapes next month.

Don't ever move.  It is a nightmare.  However, I love my new house.

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