Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tony came this morning.  He said that Austyn was doing really well.  He got his transfer materials from the hospital out west to a doctor here in Edmond--who looked at the papers, pictures, x-rays, MRI's,  etc, then looked at Austyn and said, "I've never seen such traumatic injuries on someone who lived.  You should be dead.  You are a miracle."

His age was in his favor, and having an identical twin to transfer blood if it was needed.  I asked Tony how it had changed him and he said, "I'm calmer.  God is in control of all of our lives."

That's true.  But sometimes we forget.  I know that huge events like the ones that Tony and Austyn and Tyler have witnessed this last few weeks change us forever.  You can't go back to the place you were before.  You will never again be the same.

Austyn reads my blog every day--which is unusual for a 13 year old young man.  But we forged a friendship during the times that Tony has worked for me.  Especially during the move.  Tony was measuring tile, Austyn was cutting it.  Austyn and Tyler painted a huge part of this new house.  They both know how to work.

Right before they left on the trip, I called him with a phone problem--which he solved.  He had programed his and Tyler's phone numbers in my "family" quick dial.  I now have Austyn as my
computer guru.  I sure do love those two boys.

It is interesting how some people just capture your heart.  Tony started calling me his Grandmother a couple of years ago.  So I guess Austyn and Tyler are now my great-grandchildren.  Sounds good to me.  I'll just add them to my list.  That would give me 8 greats.

I'm watching Michael twist it's way toward the gulf shore.  My Becky thinks Pat and I are nuts to go South to the beach.  But I think it will all be over before we ever get there.  I'll watch it for a couple of days.  Then see.  I want to wiggle my toes in the sand and smell the salt water in the air.  And get my feet wet.

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