Thursday, October 25, 2018

I'm still trying to get pictures on the wall.  There are a zillion of them.  Every stage of life for my children--birth to marriage.  Every stage of life for my grandchildren--birth to marriage.  And now, I am doing the same entire cycle for my great grandchildren.  The oldest is six and the youngest is five days.  Thirty one people is a lot of people to keep track of.

So I am not going to put them all up.  There is no way I can do that.  Picking which ones to go up is by a matter of elimination.  The pictures I like best will come first.  Of course, I'll hang the wedding wall.  Probably back in the guest room.  I had it in my bedroom, but now that I've moved, that won't work--no room for it anymore.

I didn't have any problem picking the ones I wanted in the family room where my chair and the TV are.  There were 10 of them I put up immediately.  The family room is done.  Done.  And so is the living room.  Done.  So it is really easy to sit down and ignore the rest of it.

I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday about moving, and what you would keep if you downsized.  The only thing I have that I can't live without is Squig.  Pictures would be a distant second.  The rest of it, I don't care.  Just Squig.  He will be eleven years old in a few months.  I know he won't live forever, but I don't want to think about that.

I am seriously considering getting another dog now, so when "the day comes," I won't be left totally alone.  Problem with that is--I want a dog that is placid and friendly.  Sweet natured and loves to snuggle.  I wish I could clone Squig.  He is a perfect companion.

My choir director changed the practice time from 1:30 in the afternoon, to 10:30 in the morning on Thursdays.  It has fouled up my "do nothing" time.  Like Ken used to say, "I get up in the morning with nothing to do, and go to bed with it half done."   Squig and I are on the exact same schedule.  We do a lot of nothing together.

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