Friday, October 26, 2018

Yesterday was the day the Connection Group chose to fast and pray.  I had never done that before, and had never considered the fact that those two things always go together in the Bible.  It was an interesting experience for me.

It wasn't a problem for the morning since I don't like breakfast anyway.  I've never found much of anything that is considered "breakfast food" that I find appealing.  If I eat anything for breakfast, it is something like cold pizza, or "leftover anything" from the day before.  I've been known to eat a can of hominy from time to time.  Or a can of black-eyed peas.

So I got through the morning without a problem.  I just didn't eat anything.  But along about eleven o'clock, I started getting hungry--which brought to mind just why I wasn't eating.  Every time I thought about food, I thought about why I was fasting, and prayed for a friend who was in deep grief for her family.

That's why the two--fasting and praying--go together.  When you are hungry, and deny yourself food, you remember to pray.  Over and over through the day, you recall why you are fasting in the first place, and it causes you to pray for the thing that you are fasting for.

I told the class that I would give up meat, seafood, and bread.  Bread being the biggie for me.  But I was able to give up everything.  Now, I think I could do it again.  Before yesterday, I wasn't sure.  I think that if I started at six in the evening, I could make it till six the next day.

But it would have to be something big I was fasting for.  The huge grief our friend our friend was suffering drove me to try it.  We all prayed off and on all day.  Maybe that's why God encouraged it in the Word.  It sure makes you concentrate on the content of your prayer.

I learned something.

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