Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Louisiana is a casino state.  Much like Oklahoma is becoming.  I had never in my life been in a casino before.  But as we were heading North through Louisiana toward Oklahoma, we made a pit stop to get gas.  Since we were stopped, I decided to go into the service station and asked where the restrooms were.  The lady said they were out of order, but if I went through a door she pointed to, I could find a restroom in the adjoining cafe.

So, I went through the doors--into the cafe--where there were a number of people eating.  I asked if I could use their restroom.  "Well, Honey," the waitress said. (This is Louisiana.  Everybody calls you "Honey.")  "Our restroom is out of order.  But if you will go through those doors at the back, you can use the one in there."

So I went through the doors at the back and stepped into a neon light flashing room with every kind of slot machine I had ever seen on TV--with a disinterested girl at the front desk who told me the restrooms were further back.  At that point, I didn't much care where where they were.  I went to the back where she pointed, only to find the restroom and two stalls with "Out of order," signs on the doors.

Welcome to Louisiana.  It's a good thing I didn't have an emergency.  So now, if anyone ever asks me if I've been in a casino,  I'll have to say, "Yes."  But I'll add:  "Not on purpose, that's for sure."

When we went on the Alligator Swamp Tour, Pat said, "Mom, this is Louisiana.  I want to warn you before we get on the boat: all the men who run this tour are going to call you Honey, Sweetheart, Darlin', Baby, and Sugar.  Just roll with it.  They don't mean any disrespect."  Sure enough, that's what they called me.  (Nobody called me, "Ma'am.")  As we were leaving, I told the Cajun tour guide what Pat had said, and commented to him that the only thing he had missed calling me was "Sugar."

"Well, Sugar," he said, "I hope you will forgive my oversight, cause you are such a Sweet lady.  You'all be sure to come back and see us when you are back down this way."

Louisiana wasn't all that bad.

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