Thursday, September 12, 2019

America doesn't need to go to war.  We're killing ourselves from the inside out.

I've lived eight decades, and I've never seen such a spirit of disunity--on everything.  I wonder if we could put an army together to fight a war if we were attacked from the outside in.

Would there be enough American patriots to fight?

If you listen to the news, CNN, or FOX either one, all you hear is what is wrong with the way the other half of what the nation thinks.  It is so bitter.

Congress can't agree on anything.  Where are the statesmen?

The only thing that remains consistent is that God is in control.  He has used dysfunctional nations in the past to teach His people to return to him.  

Reading the Old Testament gives you a  testimony of God's people being repeatedly punished by bad nations--because God's people didn't follow Him.

I don't think anyone would disagree that we are being run over by people addicted to drugs.  People who get through their day with alcohol. People that can't stay married.  People who cheat on their taxes.  People who spend their paychecks on gaming.  Etc., etc. Frivolity to escape from their problems.

Of all those decades I have lived through, the one with the most positive and encouraging life style was the decade of the "greatest generation."  

I pray that America will come to her senses.  That we don't give up.  That we trust in God and live lives that please him.   

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