Friday, September 27, 2019

The most powerful Christian stories are the personal ones.  Every Christian has one.  There came a moment when God whispered in your heart and you responded.

I was seven or eight.  Hershel Hobbs was preaching a revival.  I had no idea what salvation was all about, but I heard that voice in my soul, stepped out and went forward.  My uncle Cleo--a deacon--was at the front and asked me did I want to follow Jesus--and I said yes.  

The pastor probably explained the plan of salvation and repentance.  But how much sin does a seven year old have to repent from??  I don't remember feeling sinful or repentant.  I just wanted to be a child of God.  That's it.

The thing about childhood conversions is that from that moment on, God's got you.  He's not going to let you out of his hand.  He will speak to you again and again.  And He did.  Every time I felt that tug, I responded.  I learned that when God speaks, you answer.  You may not understand it all, but you are responding to what you know.  And you know God is speaking to you.

There came a day when not only did I accept Jesus as the sacrifice for my sins, not only was I repentant, not only was I baptized, not only had I given him my life to deal with however He saw fit-------I finally trusted Him.

Trust means you are willing to accept whatever happens to you, but also whatever happens, whatever God wants for your family.  Your husband and children.  For me, that was the hard part.  Giving him my life was easy.  Telling him I was relinquishing control of my family to Him was hard.  

He had them anyway, but I hadn't let go.  I thought I was in control.  You might as well let go. They were His first----and still are.  

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