Thursday, September 26, 2019

I lost the video of the asteroid hitting the Gulf on "Drain the Oceans."  When I went to save it, I deleted it.  I'm looking for it.  If any of you find it, send me an email on how to get it back again.

After teaching the "Gap" theory for fifty years, it's nice when science validates the Bible.  Finally.

I went to our church revival last night and the speaker was Caleb Freeman.  He was in an accident two years ago when he was 16, in a coma for months, given up for dead.  He had an awesome story and the film industry is now doing a documentary about him.

The family had taken pictures of his journey from day one and it was unbelievable to watch his progress from brain dead, slowly emerging.  Relearning to use his feet, hands body control, and speech.  He fought his way through it in a dramatic series of steps.  He's still fighting.

He could speak, walk, and use his hands.  Barely.  You had to listen carefully.  The hour was one of those times that if you had known ahead what was going to be said, you would have invited the world to come.

His testimony for Christ was awesome.  He had been shy, now he speaks, cracks jokes and generally lifts the spirits of those who listen.  He went from being a young healthy sixteen year old athlete to being a broken body full of fight--who has a powerful message about the grace of God.

Two years ago, he said he would never have spoken to a crowd, he was too shy. Now he is changed into a dynamic funny witness to the power of God in your life.  His message:  you need a personal relationship with Jesus.  I'll say Amen to that.

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