Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I am still editing the book.  Obviously it won't be out in September.  The publisher didn't give their edition to me until the first week in August.  (They promised I would have copies on July 4.) 

There are over three hundred pages for me to emend and okay.  Most of which are so messed up I don't even know where to start.

I have learned a lot of things that I didn't know.  None of them good.  If you ever decide to publish a book, call me and I will save you a lot of pain.  They tell you they will do something and then they don't.  Or they do--and it's all wrong. 

You think you have control.  You do--if you don't want to get the book published by them. They like big words.  Fluffy words.  Adjectives.  Emotion in every line.

Problem is, I'm trapped.  I signed a contract that says they will publish when we agree.  I will never agree with their changes.  So there you are.

I dread getting up in the mornings because I know I am going to get into it with the editor again.  And again.  And again.  And I have to emend, and argue, and emend and argue.   

This has been going on for over a month.  It is mentally exhausting. I told you I was like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress--in the slough of despond.  Well I am stuck there.  This editor keeps telling me this is a fabulous book.  I am glad she likes it.  I want her to leave it alone and stick to punctuation and structure and stop putting words into my character's mouths. 

Carolyn and Jeanette have patiently listened to me gripe and groan for the entire month.  I may be looking for new friends before this is over.   

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