Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I found out something the other night watching "Drain the Oceans."  The program used some wizardry to drain the Gulf of Mexico.  The result was a crater impact scar with sediment thrown up into mile high walls of strata surrounding a deep chasm, caused by an astroid that was humongous.

Following the impact, sulfur compounds from the earth were thrown into the air and began to circle the earth, blocking out the sun and burning until the sky was black. Green vegetation died. Then the food chain began to die--until nothing much was left. No vegetation resulted in no land animals. 

The team of scientists said that this impact in the Gulf was conclusively the trigger for the abrupt death of the dinosaurs world wide--all at once.  Leaving only life in the waters.  The sulphur in the atmosphere burned for a long time cutting out sunlight.  Dinosaurs going extinct all at once was a puzzle to evolution theorists. No animals in strata for eons, then mammals appear.  

Genesis 1:2, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..." Without form:  Earth got knocked off its axis?  Void:  Everything on earth died?  Darkness on the face of the deep: Skies are burning sulfur, blotting out the sun?

I have mentioned the "Gap Theory" before.  The gap between the dinosaurs and mammalian life.  Well, there it is.  Until the sulfur burned out, nothing lived on land to reproduce.  Then, "The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  And God said, "Let there be light..." it had been there all along, since Gen. 1:1 when he created it.  He didn't have to create it a second time after vs. 2."

And what we call the "creation story" is Genesis, verse one.  Verse two begins the restoration story--after the gap.  And don't get hung up on the "days."  A day is one rotation.  Who knows how long a rotation was after earth got knocked off its axis?? (Which is recorded in polar magnetism in rocks.)

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