Monday, September 9, 2019

This post is number 1737.  I can hardly believe it.  I didn't know I had that much to say.

I probably didn't.  I just kept writing.  I think I've left a record of everything I ever knew--I doubt if anyone will want to know any of it, but you never know.  Some great-great-great grandchild might??  It's out there.  On record.

I wish someone in my past had left diaries of their life.  I like to read biographies.

The New Testament is a biography.  A biography of the life of a man by the name of Jesus.  It is also a time capsule of the lives of a few men who lived at the same time He did and were his friends for three years.

I talked about the apostle John Sunday in my class.  About the second of his three short letters.   John said that he had "written" or left a "record" or was "declaring" something over and over again.  He "wrote" because he didn't want the truth to be lost to future generations

He wanted people to "know" the truth.  He used the word "know" over and over again.  Dozens of times.  And he was writing to believers who already "knew."  He said, "And this is the record...(that) I have written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God."

There is nothing like a first hand account of something that occurred.  That a person was a witness to.  John was Jesus friend.  Probably his best friend.  He was there.  And he wants us to know the truth.  That's the reason he wrote it down.  So that those of us who believe can know and believe and know and believe.  We can know.  And because we know the truth, we believe.

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