Friday, September 20, 2019

Today, I am making meatloaf.  I'll get it all ready to bake and put it in the oven in the morning.  My connection group is having a pot luck Saturday.  

Then some of us are going to the movie to see Downtown Abbey.  If you didn't watch the series on television, you probably aren't hooked.  I can't think what the movie will add.  Will it be new material?  Or old?

I have a stress test this morning.   They used to do have you do the stress test on a treadmill, now they inject you and race your heart.  Very uncomfortable.  I don't like them.  At all.  Oh well, I have to do it every now and then.

The worst part of tests like that is that I can't eat or drink anything beforehand. 
I like to eat.  All day long.  They are doing the test at 9:00 and I woke up at 5:00.  It's going to be a long four hours before breakfast. 

Scott called me yesterday to ask if his great-grandfather really played the fiddle and the harmonica and why he (Scott) didn't know about that.  Lives are lost to history in three generations if someone doesn't write something down.  I guess I just never told anyone that before.  

I know things about my grandmother's dad and mom because she talked about them.  Great-grand father George died when my Gran was a baby.  My Gran's mother's name was Sarah.  Sarah died when my grandmother was a few years old.  So my Gran was an orphan; her older sister raised her.  My Gran married at fourteen--she always would say, "I was almost fifteen."

I guess that was common back then to get married young.  Especially when life overtook you.  So I'm not going to complain about a stress test that keeps me going.  God has been good to our generation.  My great-grandparents had a hard life and both died very young. 

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