Friday, September 6, 2019

I had a wonderful surprise last night.  Becky Bacon dropped by and brought a friend--Kathy.  The two of them and four others came to Oklahoma City to see the art exhibit--Monet, Picasso...etc. (private collection on loan to the Oklahoma City museum.)

Chihuly--the man who designs those fabulous blown glass art designs--married a woman from Oklahoma City, and her mother still lives here.  So we also have dozens of permanent Chihuly glass creations in the museum as well.  You see his art all over the world.  I think it is beautiful.  One of my favorite things.

Becky asked me to play the marimba for Kathy--which I did. They had been to Hideaway Pizza and brought me the leftovers.  Yea!!! I have breakfast for tomorrow--and a bunch more tomorrows. 

I don't care for eggs.  Or milk.  So breakfast is always a challenge.  I've been known to open a can of black eyed peas.  Or a can of hominy.  I cut a recipe out of a magazine the other day that is for pancakes made with cottage cheese.

My friend Jeanette is going to come over and mix them up for me.  I am a flour-challenged-non-baker.  We are going to have them for lunch.  Somewhere in my kitchen is one of those small waffle irons.  That will probably work.  Otherwise we will have to do them one at a time on a black skillet.  I gave my griddle away to a young guy who moved my furniture over here last year.  He had just gotten married and didn't have any kitchen stuff.  I loaded him up.  I've given up on most cooking.  It's hard to cook for one.

But--bad news--my next door neighbor that is always bringing me food is moving.  It really is sad news.  They are wonderful neighbors.  But her husband John is a realtor, and found an acreage he wants.  I told him he could go, but to leave his wife next door!!  She told me she would bring me meals on wheels.

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