Monday, January 6, 2020

            1. Create: "Take absolutely nothing and design a perfect thing that has never before existed."
             2. The word made  means to take something that already exists and design something else, something different that is useful.  In other words, you have to have preexisting stuff to start with. God uses this word made over and over again after the first verse in Genesis.
I’m reminded of the of the little dresses I “made” for my daughters when they were young. I took fabric, thread, a pattern, buttons, and scissors and used those things to make something that didn’t look like any of those things I had used to do it.  I made something.  I made a dress.  The dress was unique, but it wasn’t created.  I had to use things that "already existed" to end up with something else—a dress.  I made it.
            3. The third word, Let, means to allow something to happen.  Such as: I’m going to let the dog out.  Or:  I’m going to let you borrow my car.  
You  don’t create anything, you don’t make anything, you just allow something to occur.  And again, God uses this word “let” over and over again in the first chapter of Genesis.  
Genesis 1:3 says, “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light…”  He didn’t create it.  He had already done that in verse one.  

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