Wednesday, January 15, 2020

 There we are.  Rotating on some unseen axis. Floating in this thing we call space that came from nothing and out of nowhere. Space that was created--with the stars, moon, sun and our earth and everything else that is out there which was placed into that space.  Space. Who, or what, caused space to happen? Not to mention the stuff that is floating around in it.  It is a miracle.  There is a creator!
When you study strata, you find that there is something very interesting about water life. About things that lived in wet enviornments.  A cricket from millions (zilliondy-dilliondy) of years ago, looks almost exactly like a cricket does today.  (They were preserved in sap that turned into amber trapping and preserving the cricket.) You can easily identify that it is a cricket.  It is basically unchanged over time.  That is also true of the fossils of sharks, and other fish forms. Actually, if something back there over sixty-six million years ago could live in a wet environment, it survived the darkened earth that killed the plants and dinosaurs, and you can easily identify those animals as being the same ones we have today.  They have barely changed at all.  They didn’t evolve.  They are the same as they always were.  In the water. 
They certainly didn’t evolve into mammals or we would have their evolving evidence of fossils in strata. We don't. There is no evidence of  evolution. They remained throughout the millennial, reproducing with very little adaptation. They look fairly identical to what they have looked like forever.  

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