Thursday, January 23, 2020

The account continues in verse 24-25 with, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, (species) cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind, (species)…”  That would be the things that were here and had been here millions of years ago and had been able to live through the darkened earth period.  God didn’t recreate them, or make them, he just let them multiply now that the atmosphere was more hospitable.  “…and God created the beast of the earth after his kind, (species)…” Note that He doesn’t say they came from the water.  (Evolution theory.)  These animals are all a new creation—which is supported by strata.  After the destruction of the dinosaurs, these new animals don’t show up for millions of years.  They aren’t in the strata.  You have dinosaurs, then nothing, then new kinds of animals after a long (millions of years) gap.  It is the second creative act in the book of Genesis.  He created the heavens and the earth, and now, new creatures.
There are some religious groups that teach that the world is around six thousand years old because the history of the Bible puts Adam and Eve as being on earth around that time.  That event probably was around six thousand years ago.  But God’s laws that govern the earth are consistent over time as we know it, and we know for a fact, using God’s laws that govern his universe, that dinosaurs existed long before six thousand years ago at the time of Adam.  Millions of years ago.

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