Friday, January 17, 2020

Synonyms of the definition of the word Entropy are: disarray, disorganization, disorderliness, untidiness, chaos, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness...I've made my point.
Needless to say, one of the laws of Physics tells us that “matter” doesn’t get better and better, smarter and smarter, and more and more functional. It falls apart over time. Evolution Theory says things get better and better over time, and eventually things get so much better, you have a human being.
Evolving (changing), on the other hand, actually does happen.  It occurs by natural selection from the informational code every animal and plant—every living thing—carries in its DNA.   
Think about it this way.  There are many, many breeds of dogs.  You can breed two canines, and according to the genes they carry, the result can be genetically engineered to become a dog that looks very different from its parents.  That’s how man has selectively included and excluded certain genetic characteristics to manipulate what dogs look and act like.  There is a lot of variance in dogs.  Big, small. Black, white and every spot and color in between.  Long hair, short hair.   But even though they look different, they are still dogs.
And if man gets out of the selective breeding business--if you turn all the dogs loose, after a few generations they will revert, amalgamize, back into dogs that all look alike.  They will look sort of like a wolf.  But they won’t turn into hippos, or giraffes. 

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