Tuesday, January 14, 2020

 My son Scott suggested that God is pulling the dust, gases, and other materials from the atmosphere to make stars since the word made is used.  Remember, made means take something already there and design something else that is useful.  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.  
I don’t know much about astronomy.  Just what I see when I look up and into the heavens on a dark night.  Some things seem to stay put.  Other things up there seem to move--other planets, shooting stars. But for the most part, it’s our own planet that is moving and causing change to the position of other heavenly bodies.  We are moving--rotating and orbiting the sun.  Held there by gravitational forces.
 Scott also said to think of the earth as a spinning top.  It stays balanced on its axis if it is going fast enough--or correct speed.  But if you bump it, it wobbles on its axis.  Think of the earth spinning at some rate that keeps it balanced and rotating on its axis--then an asteroid hits it.  Things will change.  Polar magnetism has also changed before--which changes the axis.  We know that from rocks.  
We are given nothing in Scripture at this point to indicate how long a rotation or one day is.  Nor do we know how long a year is—one orbit around the sun. Do you remember when man landed on the moon, and we saw the picture taken from space of our earth.  It was truly an awesome thing to see.  

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