Tuesday, January 28, 2020

But if you adopt the alien theory, you would have to answer the question: where did aliens come from?  When you go back to the very first question that I proposed in Chapter One, you can make all of this simple.  Do you believe in God?  A supreme Creator.  Or not? 
Of course, when you believe in God, you become accountable to Him, and the world in general doesn’t seem to want to be accountable—not only to God, but to anyone else.  People rebel at rules.  And if there is a God, he is ultimately in charge of His universe.  Including you.
If you believe that there is a Something, a First Source, a Creator of our universe, someone who created space—space in which to put everything —you might enjoy reading the Bible.  It is a fascinating account—if you get the words correct and in the right order.   And more importantly, if you start with the very first verse: “In the beginning…God.”

I hope you have found what I've written informative.  I haven't finished the book on Genesis.  I'm still working on it.  I will post  information on the sixth day sometime in the future.  I just made a decision to share it on line rather than wait until I finish.  Maybe someone needs it now-----instead of later.

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