Tuesday, January 21, 2020

If we ever go back to a primitive world in which we need wisdom teeth to survive, those with the gene for four wisdom teeth will have a better chance to live and reproduce--because they can eat difficult food--and those without that gene may die off because they can’t gnaw as well.
Every species has a genetic code with many varying options.  You can see it everywhere around the globe in the human race. Tall, short.  Round eyes, slanted eyes.  Pale skin, dark skin.  Skinny, fat. And the list of variance goes on and on. But whatever the variance, no matter what the differences, we are all human.  (I'll discuss pre-Adam people and the Land of Nod later.)
Genesis 1:20. “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.”  
You may think that the Bible is saying that God is telling both fish and birds to come out of the water--to evolve and move out onto land.
You may want to stretch the meaning of this verse to say birds and fish came out of the water since it can be noted that fish fins and bird wings have a similar structure.  Also, fish tails can be compared to bird tails.  They too, are similar.  The verse might Biblically sound like God let them both come forth and evolve from the water.  But that can’t be so, because birds were here before the earth was darkened when its was hit by a meteor.  

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