Monday, January 27, 2020

It is interesting that the Bible didn’t say that God created moving creatures in the water (fish or crab kinds of things).  He just “Let” them emerge. Once again science validates the Biblical account.  Those creatures existed in the water from the beginning.  Back when God created the heavens and the earth.  Before the earth was dark.  They exist in strata.
I find it absolutely amazing that thousands of years ago, the Biblical account got it exactly right--and in the order that it actually occurred.  Biblical historians say that Moses probably wrote Genesis.  How in the world did Moses get it right without a PHD in science?     
        Maybe he had inspiration from an alien?  That seems to be the new theory being proposed by the non-believing world--since science can’t answer the questions found in strata with evolution theory. 
        Some people are proposing that we came from another planet.  The idea is that perhaps, maybe, we were inhabited by aliens from somewhere in space.  That idea seems more reasonable to some people than accepting a creator.  They don't say where the aliens came from!
       I think the belief that something, or someone, is “Out There” is a reasonable belief.  I call that someone God.  Not an alien.   I can’t buy alien theory in addition to evolution theory.  It just seems like another proposal to circumvent a creator and substitute something else in its place.  But for some people--God is unacceptable.  He would expect something from them.  An alien doesn't.

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