Friday, January 3, 2020

As we continue to read, the word I’ve been talking about, the word create,doesn’t occur but two other times in the Genesis story.   It occurs in verse 26, when God creates new kinds of animal forms. And it occurs when he creates man. Other than that, from this point on in the Biblical account in Genesis, the Bible uses words that have very different meanings from the word create.  They are words of restoration.   God begins something new.  The last part of verse two says: “…And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”  Now, God is going to reconstruct.  God is now going to make things, and let things happen.

 After the first verse in Genesis, in which the word create describes what God originally did, different words are used. They are the words, Madeand Let.
Again, remember that when you are reading something, it requires a definition of the words that are being used.
The word made means to take something that already exists and design something else, something different that is useful.  In other words, you have to have preexisting stuff to start with. God uses this word made over and over again after the first verse in Genesis.

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