Thursday, January 2, 2020

 1.  Void, empty
2.   Without form, a shapeless mass
3.  Dark, devoid of sunlight
 This is not the description of a creative work. So, for a moment, consider those two verses:
1.    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 
2.    “And the earth was void, without form, and darkness was on the face of the deep.”  (There was water left over from verse one.)
Obviously, something happened between those two verses; a span of time occurred that we are not told about.   I wish God had told us about it, but He didn’t.  He did, however, leave us evidence trapped in the earth’s sediment that tells us about the kind of world that previously existed over sixty-six million years ago.  The book of Genesis is not about that world and what was in it.  The book of Genesis is about restoration.  It is about the world we live in now.  It is the story of man--man created in the image of God. 
As we continue to read, the word I’ve been talking about, the word create,doesn’t occur but two other times in the Genesis story.  

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