Thursday, March 19, 2020

I got locked out of my bank account.  Of course, after over thirty minutes of trying to figure it out, the bank couldn't discover the problem and couldn't fix it.  They told me I would have to get a computer expert to do it.  Luckily Craig was available.  But now every other account--including this one--has to be fixed.  And of course, I don't know how to do that either.

Every time something happens, I have to come up with a new password--which drives me nuts.  I do not, do not, Do Not like change.  I like being in a rut.  I like to be able to count on my routine to stay the same.  I always used Safari, but now I have to use Chrome.  I'm distressed.

I listened to the BBC account of the mess America is in right now.  Since the British aren't Republican or Democratic--trying to fix the blame on each other--it was interesting to hear their account of what is going to happen.  Which I happen to agree with.

That is, this virus that everybody is being exposed to isn't going away any time soon.  And America is ill equipped to deal with it.  Ta-Dah!!

And until we have a vaccine, we will all have to be careful.  Life isn't going back to normal for awhile.  I tend to be a hermit so I'm okay.  But "people persons" are going to suffer and go stir-crazy.  

And until people get out and start spending money, the stock market won't recover because it depends on companies making money by selling stuff.

Good thing God is still on His throne.  Good thing He is in control of the world He created.  Sometimes we forget that.  Maybe this will be a wake up call.

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