Tuesday, March 3, 2020

I have always believed that God puts people in your path.  You meet people that I never will.  I'm responsible for those I intersect and you are responsible for the ones you intersect.  God doesn't have a plan B for reaching people.  We are it.

And sometimes, God puts people in your path that you will never know and never meet.  I met one inside a book yesterday.  

A librarian I know well, mails me books to read. And this week as I was reading, I came across something in one of the books that was disturbing--so I called this librarian and said, "I've come across something so unusual, that I believe God intended for me to read this book right after the last person who read it--since I am someone who will act on what I found.  Whoever it was that read it before I did, underlined some of the words in the book and wrote, 'This is me,' in the margin.  Can I relay this to you, send the book back and you can check it out anonymously, and maybe God will someday give you a chance to help anonymously?  You  know who checked it out last.  I don't."  

The words that were underlined were scattered over fifteen pages, but I will group them. "I was a daydreamer. Quiet. Unseen. Stages scared me.  Shadows did not. I watched the world out of the corners of my eyes. The library was magical, because every time I walked through the door, there were thousands of voices ready and willing to have a conversation with me.  None of them rejected me.

And then whoever it was who marked the pages underlined, "What if I'm of value?  What if I matter?"  It's like a message in a bottle. Or a cry for help underlined in a book waiting for someone to notice the underlined passages.   

All of that may not seem to be a cry for help for you, but to me it did.  If I'm wrong, no problem.  If I'm right, I heard a voice I'll never meet.

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