Friday, March 20, 2020

Staying home gets old really quick.  I haven't been out of the house for a week.  This is one of the most interesting events in American history that I've ever seen.  Every thing in our country has come to a screeching halt.

I have to figure out how to get library books on my Mac.  So far, however, I've kept busy just doing things I should have done all year and didn't do.

A huge percentage of our populace lives from paycheck to paycheck.  Be as generous as possible.  Share what you have.  

We will all be exposed eventually.  We just need to spread the exposure out--as far into the future as possible.  Otherwise, if we all get sick at once, there won't be hospital equipment or personal to care for us.  This isn't going to go away anytime soon.  Stay home. Don't get exposed--for as long as possible.

I met a lady last year at a luncheon who said she washes her strawberries with soap before she she serves them--because soap kills the germs.  Good grief, I had no idea that a grown woman didn't know better than that.

Soap breaks up grease, fat.  That's it.  You use soap to remove stuff from your hands.  It doesn't kill germs. Stuff sticks to the natural oil on our skin.  Soap cleans away the oil that holds that stuff to your skin.  My brother spent 37 years in China where they had to disinfect every single fresh vegetable or fruit that they ate--water diluted with a little bleach (Clorox) usually does the trick.

The virus now going around has a "greasy" surface (or so they say).  Soap can break the oil surface on your hands and wash stuff away.  Wash your hands. Disinfect as well, but wash, wash, wash.    

Use bleach.

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