Monday, March 9, 2020

Saturday night, I set my watch forward an hour--like you are supposed to do.  Next morning, as usual for a Sunday morning, at 9:15 I headed to church.

When I got there, church was over.  It was 10:30.  I have no idea what happened to upset the time on my watch.  I know for a fact that at 8:30 on Saturday night, I changed the time to 9:30.

All I can figure is that some GPS thing-a-ma-jig automatically reversed it?  But that doesn't seem right.

I don't like the feeling I get when my phone, Mac-Pro, watch, etc. have a mind of their own and do something strange.  It's like aliens are controlling my stuff.

I'm going to get a different watch.  This one is too complicated.  I tried to reset it and now, it won't let me do it.

So I spent all Sunday afternoon looking for the instructions to the watch.  Every drawer, basket, shelf, etc. was emptied and ruffled through.  Of course, I probably threw the instructions out.  I remember taking it over to Craig because I couldn't get it set when I bought it.

I have no patience with things like that.

I'd rather just go buy another watch.  A cheap one with the day, date, time and nothing else.  And instructions etched on the back of the watch, or inside the watchband as to how to reset it.

Someone needs to invent a watch like that for people like me.

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