Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I've been getting calls from neighbors and family to ask if I need anything.  Only thing I need is for someone to take Squig to the groomers, and Craig just let me know he will do that.  People have been bringing me food and picking up groceries, but I really don't need anything.

First time ever in my life, I cancelled my Bible class last Sunday.  They didn't cancel church, so I made an executive decision and did it myself.  Everyone in the class has underlying conditions.  As the teacher, I was responsible to do something, so I did.

I am by nature a hermit, so staying home is fairly normal for me.  I rotate between writing, editing, eating, sudoko, (Or some other math puzzle) the newspaper, crossword, reading a book, then repeating that sequence all over again.

No one but me is here ninety percent of the time, so my three back bedrooms and extra bath are untouched.  Only the area around my chair is a mess.  Not much to clean.

I feel so bad for all of the "working poor."  The non-working poor will still get disability or welfare checks.  But the working poor are in a world of hurt.  They need help.  So if you use curb side pick up at a restaurant, don't forget to tip.

If you cancel your help, pay them anyway.  This isn't the time to be stingy.  They depend on your check.  Some, or most, live paycheck to paycheck.

If there was ever a time to love others as you love yourself, this is it.

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