Monday, March 30, 2020

When Ken and I got married, we moved to Pensacola where he was teaching cadets to land on a carrier.  Sunup to sundown.  But on Saturdays, we would play cribbage.  I had never heard of that game, but it is very mathematical.  

There's a pegboard, pegs and a deck of cards.  You deal two hands. He taught me how and of course he beat me every time.  Until one day.  Once I got the hang of it we were pretty well balanced.  It was a lot of fun.

You lay a card down, the other guy lays one on the stack to add up to fifteen.  It doesn't take long to realize if you lay an 8 down, he's going to lay a 7 on it to add to fifteen for two points.  So I have 7+8, and 9+6 pretty well drilled in my head for life.  Of course we all have 10+5 is fifteen.

It's involved.  You peg around the board---and out.  First around wins.  He would deploy and when he got back from deployment, he had played cribbage with the guys so many times that he would beat me at it until I caught up with him again.  

Then we had kids and played games and puzzles with children.  We both went to college, work, and life and never had time for cribbage again.

I woke up this morning thinking about cribbage.  I haven't played in a million years.  It's hard to learn to play.  And people don't play games anymore with other people.  They play on their phone, or computer by themselves.  Sad.

My grandson David always played gin rummy with me.  There came a day that he beat me for the first time, and I knew the feeling he had.  I had that feeling the first time I beat Ken at cribbage.  It feels really good!!

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