Thursday, March 5, 2020

People don't usually come to church, to a study group or another such thing because they are trying to find out who God is, who Jesus is, or where their eternal destination it going to be.  They come because you ask them.  They solidify friendships, and learn about God in the process.

I said that God doesn't have a plan B.  That's the hard truth about how the gospel is spread.  You're it.  You spread the truth or it doesn't get done.

It's on the TV.  There are thousands upon thousands of churches.  But people come to a Bible study or church and hear the message because of you.  You are out there making friends, joining civic groups, book clubs, etc.  Meeting people, and making friends.

We are social beings.  And aside from a bar--which I don't recommend--where is there a place that people just talk to each other?  (Sporting events are arenas for yelling).  In connection groups, Bible studies, etc., we meet, eat, and talk.

If you aren't involved in something, somewhere, that is a group gathering of Christian people, it's hard to invite someone to join you.

I worked with Jr. high and High school teens for many years.  Every Friday night our house was full of them.  Playing games, watching TV.  Many of them escaping chaos at home.   I discovered that they come to play if you hold an event: volley-ball, basket-ball, etc., and they learn about Christ in the process. 

You have to have an open door, and something for teen-agers to do to get them to come if they haven't been raised that way.  Benefits for them are eternal.

You can't hit people over the head with a Bible.  You are the message that they read.  You.

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