Friday, March 6, 2020

I missed posting.  Sorry--for those of you who texted me and reminded me.  I had it written, but I had to be in Tulsa that morning, was pushed, and forgot.

I don't like the Turner Turnpike drive.  I start at marker 136 and end at 218.  Which is a zillion miles when you are driving into the sun.  And forgot your sunglasses.

Anyway.  Today is a new day.  I went with the senior choir expedition yesterday and played my marimba for the crowd.  I do this at least once a month.  They seem to like it.  I've told this story, but I'll tell it again in case you missed it:

When I was in the 9th grade, I went to the high school to try out for twirler.  Didn't know you had to twirl.  Thought you had to be cute and that was it.  The director said I couldn't try out for twirling next year either, unless I had been a member of the band for a year.  And he didn't need anyone in the band except someone who could play timpani drums, bell lyre and marimba.  I said I would learn how.

I took lessons; he let me in the band and I played for the next year.  People in civic groups heard how I could play, had me come entertain them--so for the next few years, I was the entertainment for the Chamber of Commerce, Methodist Mens group, Rotary Anns, etc, etc,.  And the choir director at the Baptist church had me playing the offertories.  I got pretty good at it.

I never learned to twirl.  But here I am--an old woman--still entertaining people by playing the marimba.

God had a plan.  It wasn't twirling.

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