Monday, May 31, 2021

When I was growing up, on Sunday mornings around Memorial day, the preacher would have everyone stand up who served in the Army, then the Navy, Air Force and Marines.  

What they never did was ask anyone to stand who had lost a husband, child, mother, father, brother or sister in war.  They still don’t.  I think they should do that.  My cousin’s husband lost his son Jared.

It also wouldn’t hurt to acknowledge those who had a husband, child, mother, father, brother or sister who had served in out country’s military to stand.

People don’t realize the sacrifices that families make when they send someone to war.

We now have all military branches filled with volunteers.  We have no draft.  Those who serve must choose to do it.  The fate of our response to any aggression on our country falls on their shoulders.

I personally think that the nation should have the investment of us all.  Not just volunteers.  We all should pay the price for freedom in some way by serving in some capacity.  Then we would treasure it much more.  

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