Thursday, January 4, 2024

 After promising to blog again, I forgot to do it yesterday.  Guilty.  I have to insert “doing it” right after taking morning pills, making tea and feeding the dog.  I am very system oriented.  It used to be an automatic habit, but when I got sick, everything got out of whack.

My second book is out.  Cris Hardy has it at the Pryor bookstore and plans are for me to be there on second of Feb. to sign them.  “The Macau Mavrick.” About my brother’s (Bill Swan) years in China.

Right now, I have spent the last two weeks reading letters Ken wrote me from Viet Nam.  I had never read them again and after 57 years, it is hard.  I hear his voice.  He was so miserable being away from home.  He was gone 13 months.  But the nice part is to hear him saying he loves me...I know that, but he’s been gone for ten years--and it’s nice to hear it again.  He was excellent at expressing himself on paper--and terrible in person.  All of you who knew him know how little he spoke.  But when he did, everyone listened.  

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